Johne’s Testing

Prioritize the health and productivity of your livestock with Johne’s testing service in Byron, NY.

veterinarian checking health status

Johne’s Testing for Livestock Health: Rely on Pumpkin Hill Veterinary Clinic

At Pumpkin Hill Veterinary Clinic in Byron, NY, we understand the importance of livestock health and disease prevention. Johne’s testing is a crucial component of livestock management, and our experienced veterinarians are here to provide this essential service. Monitoring and managing Johne’s disease is necessary to maintain the productivity and well-being of your livestock.

Benefits of Johne’s Testing

Disease Prevention:

Identify and isolate infected animals to prevent the spread of Johne’s disease within your herd or flock.


Ensure your livestock meets regional testing requirements, simplifying livestock movements and sales.

Herd/Flock Welfare:

Johne’s testing contributes to your livestock’s overall health and productivity, supporting agricultural endeavors.

Peace of Mind:

Knowing your livestock’s Johne’s disease status aids in making informed management decisions and reducing disease-related risks.

Johne’s Testing: Protecting Livestock Health and Agricultural Prosperity

Choose Pumpkin Hill Veterinary Clinic for Johne’s testing and ensure your valuable livestock’s health, safety, and compliance. Contact us today to schedule your livestock’s Johne’s testing appointment and experience the Pumpkin Hill difference.